action - Variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.AssertObject
ActionStack - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing
Stack containing all ActionBases generated during parsing xml structure.
ActionStack() - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ActionStack
actualObject - Variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.AssertObject
actualObjectSet - Variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.AssertObject
actualType - Variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.AssertObject
addError(Test, Throwable) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTRunMonitor
Just let the standard runner do this work - do nothing
addFailure(Test, AssertionFailedError) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTRunMonitor
Just let the standard runner do this work - do nothing
addMethodTestError(Test, String, Throwable) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTRunMonitor
Add error of executed test
addMethodTestError(Test, String, Throwable) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestListener
An error occurred during execution of a method with test data
addMethodTestError(Test, String, Throwable) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestResult
Add error of a method test execution for later statistic
addMethodTestFailure(Test, String, AssertionFailedError) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTRunMonitor
Add failure of executed test
addMethodTestFailure(Test, String, AssertionFailedError) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestListener
A failure occurred during execution of a method with test data
addMethodTestFailure(Test, String, AssertionFailedError) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestResult
Add assertion failure of a method test execution for later statistic
addObjectToAssert(String, Object) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
Add object to make assertion against assert definition identified by assertId
addParameter(String, Object, Comparator<?>) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.SearchParameters
addParameter(String, Object) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.SearchParameters
addSubKey(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestGroupDataSet
ArrayAssert - Class in junitx.framework
A set of assert methods specially targetted to asserting arrays.
ArrayCreatorAction - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing
This class contains object state and other information to create object from SAX event stream.
ArrayCreatorAction(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ArrayCreatorAction
Constructor used as standard constructor to instanciate actions of this type
Assert - Class in junitx.framework
A set of assert methods (primarly testing the negative assertion of the correspondent methods found in the junit.framework.Assert class).
ASSERT_ACTION_ISCONTAINEDIN - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ObjectAsserter
ASSERT_ACTION_ISEQUAL - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ObjectAsserter
defines equals action analogue to JUnit assertEquals
ASSERT_ACTION_ISFALSE - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ObjectAsserter
ASSERT_ACTION_ISGT - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ObjectAsserter
ASSERT_ACTION_ISINRANGE - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ObjectAsserter
ASSERT_ACTION_ISLT - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ObjectAsserter
ASSERT_ACTION_ISNOTCONTAINEDIN - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ObjectAsserter
ASSERT_ACTION_ISNOTEQUAL - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ObjectAsserter
defines equals action analogue to JUnit assertEquals
ASSERT_ACTION_ISNOTGT - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ObjectAsserter
ASSERT_ACTION_ISNOTINRANGE - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ObjectAsserter
ASSERT_ACTION_ISNOTLT - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ObjectAsserter
ASSERT_ACTION_ISNOTNULL - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ObjectAsserter
defines equals action analogue to JUnit assertEquals
ASSERT_ACTION_ISNOTSAME - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ObjectAsserter
defines equals action analogue to JUnit assertEquals
ASSERT_ACTION_ISNULL - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ObjectAsserter
defines equals action analogue to JUnit assertEquals
ASSERT_ACTION_ISSAME - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ObjectAsserter
defines equals action analogue to JUnit assertSame
ASSERT_ACTION_ISTRUE - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ObjectAsserter
assertEquals(String, Object[], Object[]) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ArrayAssert
Asserts that two arrays are equal.
assertEquals(Object[], Object[]) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ArrayAssert
Asserts that two arrays are equal.
assertEquals(double[], double[], double) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ArrayAssert
Asserts that two arrays are equal.
assertEquals(String, double[], double[], double) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ArrayAssert
Asserts that two arrays are equal.
assertEquals(String, float[], float[], float) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ArrayAssert
Asserts that two arrays are equal.
assertEquals(float[], float[], float) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ArrayAssert
Asserts that two arrays are equal.
assertEquals(String, long[], long[]) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ArrayAssert
Asserts that two arrays are equal.
assertEquals(long[], long[]) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ArrayAssert
Asserts that two arrays are equal.
assertEquals(String, int[], int[]) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ArrayAssert
Asserts that two arrays are equal.
assertEquals(int[], int[]) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ArrayAssert
Asserts that two arrays are equal.
assertEquals(String, short[], short[]) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ArrayAssert
Asserts that two arrays are equal.
assertEquals(short[], short[]) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ArrayAssert
Asserts that two arrays are equal.
assertEquals(String, char[], char[]) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ArrayAssert
Asserts that two arrays are equal.
assertEquals(char[], char[]) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ArrayAssert
Asserts that two arrays are equal.
assertEquals(String, boolean[], boolean[]) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ArrayAssert
Asserts that two arrays are equal.
assertEquals(boolean[], boolean[]) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ArrayAssert
Asserts that two arrays are equal.
assertEquals(String, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ArrayAssert
Asserts that two arrays are equal.
assertEquals(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ArrayAssert
Asserts that two arrays are equal.
assertEquals(String, String) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that two strings are equal.
assertEquals(String, String, String) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that two strings are equal.
assertEquals(String, Throwable, Throwable) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ThrowableAssert
Asserts that two throwable objects are equal.
assertEquals(Throwable, Throwable) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ThrowableAssert
Asserts that two throwable objects are equal.
assertEquivalenceArrays(String, Object[], Object[]) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ArrayAssert
Asserts that two arrays have the same elements, but not necessarily in the same order.
assertEquivalenceArrays(Object[], Object[]) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ArrayAssert
Assertion that both arrays has the same elements, but not necessarily in the same order.
assertFalse(String, boolean) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that a condition is false.
assertFalse(boolean) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that a condition is false.
assertInstanceOf(String, Class, Object) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ObjectAssert
Asserts that an object is an instance of a class.
assertInstanceOf(Class, Object) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ObjectAssert
Asserts that an object is an instance of a class.
AssertionFailedError - Error in junitx.framework
Similar to the official class but supports chained exceptions.
AssertionFailedError(Throwable) - Constructor for error junitx.framework.AssertionFailedError
Constructs a new throwable with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
AssertionFailedError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for error junitx.framework.AssertionFailedError
Constructs a new throwable with the specified detail message and cause.
assertNotEquals(String, Object, Object) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that two objects are not equal.
assertNotEquals(Object, Object) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that two objects are not equal.
assertNotEquals(String, byte, byte) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that two bytes are not equal.
assertNotEquals(byte, byte) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that two bytes are not equal.
assertNotEquals(String, char, char) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that two chars are not equal.
assertNotEquals(char, char) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that two chars are not equal.
assertNotEquals(String, double, double, double) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that two doubles are not equal concerning a delta.
assertNotEquals(double, double, double) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that two doubles are not equal concerning a delta.
assertNotEquals(String, float, float, float) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that two floats are not equal concerning a delta.
assertNotEquals(float, float, float) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that two floats are not equal concerning a delta.
assertNotEquals(String, int, int) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that two ints are not equal.
assertNotEquals(int, int) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that two ints are not equal.
assertNotEquals(String, long, long) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that longs objects are not equal.
assertNotEquals(long, long) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that two longs are not equal.
assertNotEquals(String, short, short) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that two shorts are not equal.
assertNotEquals(short, short) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that two shorts are not equal.
assertNotEquals(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that two boolean are not equal.
assertNotEquals(boolean, boolean) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that two booleans are not equal.
assertNotInstanceOf(String, Class, Object) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ObjectAssert
Asserts that an object is not an instance of a class.
assertNotInstanceOf(Class, Object) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ObjectAssert
Asserts that an object is not an instance of a class.
assertNotSame(String, Object, Object) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that two objects do not refer to the same object.
assertNotSame(Object, Object) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Asserts that two objects do not refer to the same object.
assertNotSame(Object, Object) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ObjectAssert
Asserts that an object are not the same.
assertNotSame(String, Object, Object) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ObjectAssert
Asserts that an object are not the same.
AssertObject - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data
AssertObject(String, String, String) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.AssertObject
assertObject(String, Object) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
Directly assert expected against actual object during method execution.
assertObject(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
Directly assert expected against actual object during method execution.
assertSame(Object, Object) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ObjectAssert
Asserts that an object are the same.
assertSame(String, Object, Object) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ObjectAssert
Asserts that an object are the same.
assertSimilar(String, Throwable, Throwable) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ThrowableAssert
Assert that two throwable objects are similar.
assertSimilar(Throwable, Throwable) - Static method in class junitx.framework.ThrowableAssert
Assert that two throwable objects are similar.
AttributeListCreatorAction - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing
AttributeListCreatorAction(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.AttributeListCreatorAction


BeanCreatorAction - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing
This class contains object state and other information to create object from SAX event stream.
BeanCreatorAction(Map) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.BeanCreatorAction
Constructor used as standard constructor to instanciate actions of this type


CallCreatorAction - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing
This class contains object state and other information to create object from SAX event stream.
CallCreatorAction(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.CallCreatorAction
Constructor used as standard constructor to instanciate actions of this type
CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyser
Constant to define constructor select in method ClassAnalyser.findMethodByParams(String, String, Class[])
ClassAnalyser - Class in junitx.ddtunit.util
This example is taken from Thinking in Java secd.
ClassAnalyserException - Exception in junitx.ddtunit.util
Exception class for @see ClassAnalyser&.
ClassAnalyserException() - Constructor for exception junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyserException
ClassAnalyserException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyserException
ClassAnalyserException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyserException
ClassAnalyserException(String) - Constructor for exception junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyserException
classPackage(Object) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyser
Extract package from object instance
classPackage(Class<?>) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyser
Extract package from class
clear() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.SoftHashMap
clone() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ExceptionAsserter
clone() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ObjectAsserter
clone() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TypedObject
clone() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TypedObjectMap
CollectionCreatorAction - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing
This class contains object state and other information to create object from SAX event stream.
CollectionCreatorAction(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.CollectionCreatorAction
Constructor used as standard constructor to instanciate actions of this type
ComparableRange<T> - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data
ComparableRange() - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.ComparableRange
Instanciate range and set range delimiting objects as included in Range
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DefaultComparator
ComparisonFailure - Error in junitx.framework
Thrown when an assert equals for Strings failed (class junitx.framework.Assert).
ComparisonFailure(String, String, String) - Constructor for error junitx.framework.ComparisonFailure
Constructs a ComparisonFailure object.
ConstantCreatorAction - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing
This class contains object state and other information to create object from SAX event stream.
ConstantCreatorAction(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ConstantCreatorAction
Constructor used as standard constructor to instanciate actions of this type
containsKey(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DataSet
containsKey(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DDTDataRepository
Check existance of testdata concerning provided class data.
containsKey(String) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IDataSet
Check if provided key is instained in sub object map
containsTest(String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestClusterDataSet
Check if test exists for specified group
CONTENT_BLANK - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ContentCreatorAction
Content representing string value of one space
CONTENT_EMPTY - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ContentCreatorAction
Constant representation of empty string value in xml resource
CONTENT_NULL - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ContentCreatorAction
Constant representing null assignment in xml resource
ContentCreatorAction - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing
This class contains object state and other information to create object from SAX event stream.
ContentCreatorAction(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ContentCreatorAction
Constructor used as standard constructor to instanciate actions of this type
copyContent(TestResult) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestResult
countMethodTests() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
Count number of test datasets provided for method methodName.
countMethodTests() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.IDDTTestCase
Count number of test datasets provided for method methodName.
create(StringBuffer, Throwable) - Static method in exception junitx.ddtunit.DDTException
Create exception with compact trace hirachie information summariesed in exception message.
createMessage(String, String, String) - Static method in error junitx.framework.ComparisonFailure
Creates the message that is returned by the getMessage method.
createObject() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
Create injected object to according type specification on this action.
createPrimitiveArray(Object) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyser
Convert an array of object to its primitive counterpart.
createTestResult() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.report.DDTTextTestRunner
createXml(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.db.DbDataRestorer
Create xml testdata resource for specified clusterId.


DataSet - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data
Class containing all data objects used for executing a testclass.
DataSet(String, IDataSet) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.DataSet
DATE_GENERIC - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.DateCreatorAction
DATE_LOCALE - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.DateCreatorAction
DateCreatorAction - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing
This class contains object state and other information to create object from SAX event stream.
DateCreatorAction(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.DateCreatorAction
Constructor used as standard constructor to instanciate actions of this type
DbDataRestorer - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data.db
DbDataRestorer() - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.db.DbDataRestorer
DDTConfiguration - Class in junitx.ddtunit.util
Load configuration file and provide access to specified content in an instance of this class
DDTDataRepository - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data
Data repository containing test data per test class.
DDTDateFormat - Class in junitx.ddtunit.util
DDTDateFormat(String, Locale) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTDateFormat
DDTException - Exception in junitx.ddtunit
Base exception of ddtunit package.
DDTException() - Constructor for exception junitx.ddtunit.DDTException
Standard exception class for any ddtunit specific problems
DDTException(String) - Constructor for exception junitx.ddtunit.DDTException
Standard exception class for any ddtunit specific problems
DDTException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception junitx.ddtunit.DDTException
Standard exception class for any ddtunit specific problems
DDTException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception junitx.ddtunit.DDTException
Standard exception class for any ddtunit specific problems
DDTRunMonitor - Class in junitx.ddtunit
This class implements a simple monitor for testruns.
DDTSetUpException - Exception in junitx.ddtunit
This Exception is used if an exception is thrown during setUp execution of a testcase,
DDTSetUpException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception junitx.ddtunit.DDTSetUpException
DDTTearDownException - Exception in junitx.ddtunit
Exception class indicating errors durint tearDown operation of test execution.
DDTTearDownException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception junitx.ddtunit.DDTTearDownException
DDTTestCase - Class in junitx.ddtunit
This class is derived from TestCasefrom JUnit.
DDTTestCase() - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
DDTTestCase(String) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
DDTTestDataException - Exception in junitx.ddtunit.data
Class reflects errors raised on data repository and parsing level.
DDTTestDataException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception junitx.ddtunit.data.DDTTestDataException
DDTTestDataException(String) - Constructor for exception junitx.ddtunit.data.DDTTestDataException
DDTTestFailure - Class in junitx.ddtunit
Class extending JUnit TestFailure to provide extra information on occurance location of test failure.
DDTTestFailure(Test, String, Throwable) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestFailure
Instanciate failure instance with location information
DDTTestListener - Interface in junitx.ddtunit
DDTTestListener provides methods to notify test progress and results to others.
DDTTestResult - Class in junitx.ddtunit
Extends class TestResultof JUnit
This class will contain extra results from test execution based on xml data testcases.
DDTTestResult() - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestResult
DDTTestResult(TestResult) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestResult
Instanciate DDTTestResult by using JUnit TestResult as base info.
DDTTextTestRunner - Class in junitx.ddtunit.report
DDTTextTestRunner() - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.report.DDTTextTestRunner
DDTUnit4ClassRunner - Class in junitx.ddtunit.optional.junit4
DDTUnit4ClassRunner(Class<? extends TestCase>) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.optional.junit4.DDTUnit4ClassRunner
DDTUNIT_CONFIG_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTConfiguration
DefaultComparator - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data
DefaultComparator() - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.DefaultComparator


elementCount - Variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.CollectionCreatorAction
endCDATA() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.Engine
endMethodTest(IDDTTestCase, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTRunMonitor
Notify about end of method test execution
endMethodTest(IDDTTestCase, String) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestListener
A test inside of a testmethod with a given dataset is started.
endMethodTest(IDDTTestCase, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestResult
Notify about end of method test
endTest(Test) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTRunMonitor
Just let the standard runner do this work - do nothing
Engine - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing
Class used for creation of a TestClusterDataSet by using SAX parsing event information.
Engine(IDataSet) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.Engine
Instanciate processing engin to fill provided clusterDataSet
entrySet() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DDTDataRepository
entrySet() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TypedObjectMap
entrySet() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.SoftHashMap
equals(Object) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TypedObject
Returns true if this TypedObject is the same as the o argument.
EXCEPTION_ACTION_ISEQUAL - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ExceptionAsserter
defines equals action analogue to JUnit assertEquals
EXCEPTION_ACTION_ISINSTANCEOF - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ExceptionAsserter
defines equals action analogue to JUnit assertEquals
EXCEPTION_ACTION_ISSIMILAR - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ExceptionAsserter
defines equals action analogue to JUnit assertEquals
ExceptionAsserter - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data
ExceptionAsserter(String, String, String) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.ExceptionAsserter
extractFieldType(String) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
Extract field type information from object sitting on the stack.


fail(Throwable) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Fails a test with the given Throwable object causing the failure.
fail(String, Throwable) - Static method in class junitx.framework.Assert
Fails a test with the given message and the Throwable object causing the failure.
find(IDataSet, SearchCriteria) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DDTDataRepository
Find associated object data associated to specified search criteria.
findMethodByName(String, String) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyser
Display all methods of class quaifiedClassName to the configured appender specified by Log4j
findMethodByParams(String, String, Class[]) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyser
Find a Constructor/Method of class className by using the argument list args and try to vary arguments which could be of primitive type.
findObject(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DataSet
findObject(String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DataSet
findObject(String, String) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IDataSet
findObject(String) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IDataSet
first - Variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ActionStack
fMethodTestErrors - Variable in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestResult
Vector containing all errors caught during test execution
fMethodTestFailures - Variable in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestResult
Vector containing all caught failures during test execution
fRunMethodTests - Variable in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestResult
Number of executed tests inside of a testmethod


get(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DataSet
get(String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DDTDataRepository
Get TestClusterDataSet associated to the specified method of a class.
get(String) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IDataSet
Retrieve DataSet specified by id
get(String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TypedObjectMap
get(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TypedObjectMap
get(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.SoftHashMap
getAction() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.AssertObject
getActiveLocale() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTConfiguration
getActualObject() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.AssertObject
getActualType() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.AssertObject
getAllMethods(String) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyser
Put all method names of the class qualifiedClassName into a String array and return it.
getAssert(String, String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestClusterDataSet
Retrieve assert object of requested group and test
getAssert(String, String, String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestClusterDataSet
Retrieve assert object of requested group and test
getAssert(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestDataSet
getAssert(String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestDataSet
getAssertDataId() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.SearchCriteria
getAssertMap(String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestClusterDataSet
getAssertMap() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestDataSet
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
Retrieve attribute from Action object.
getCause() - Method in exception junitx.ddtunit.DDTException
get cause exception
getCause() - Method in error junitx.framework.AssertionFailedError
Returns the cause of this throwable or null if the cause is nonexistent or unknown.
getClusterId() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.Engine
getComparator() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.SearchParameter
getDateMap() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTConfiguration
getDestId() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IReferenceInfo
getDestType() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IReferenceInfo
getEnd() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ComparableRange
getEnd() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IRange
getFieldValue(Object, String) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.PrivilegedAccessor
Gets the value of the named field and returns it as an object.
getGlobalObject(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
Retrieve object with specified identifier on a per class basis.
getGlobalObject(String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
Retrieve object with specified identifier on a per class basis.
getHardCacheSize() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTConfiguration
getHint() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
getId() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DataSet
getId() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IDataSet
Retrieve id of DataSet
getId() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
getId() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TypedObject
getInstance() - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DDTDataRepository
getInstance() - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.InstanceFactory
getInstance() - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.TypeAbbreviator
Provide singleton reference on a TypeAbbreviator class.
getInstance() - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ResourceNameFactory
getInstance() - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTRunMonitor
Get singleton instance of this class
getInstance() - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.InternalLogger
Instanciate project Logger as singleton
getInstance() - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTConfiguration
getIterator() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.SearchCriteria
getIterator() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.SearchParameters
getKey() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.MapEntry
getLog4jConfigResource() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTConfiguration
getMessage() - Method in error junitx.framework.ComparisonFailure
getMethod(Object, String, Class[]) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.PrivilegedAccessor
getMethodName() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.SearchCriteria
getName(String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ResourceNameFactory
getName() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.IDDTTestCase
getNext() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
getObject(String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DataSet
getObject(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DataSet
getObject(String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.db.DbDataRestorer
Retrieve single object instance from database.
getObject(String, String) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IDataSet
Retrieve object entry from local object map
getObject(String) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IDataSet
Retrieve object entry from local object map
getObject() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
getObject(String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.InstanceFactory
getObject(String, String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestClusterDataSet
Retrieve object of specidied testdata under testgroup
getObject(String, String, String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestClusterDataSet
Retrieve object of requested testdata under testgroup
getObject(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
Retrieve object with specified identifier on a per method-test basis.
getObject(String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
Retrieve object with specified identifier on a per method-test basis.
getOrderedSubKeys() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestGroupDataSet
getOrderedTestKeys(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestClusterDataSet
getPattern() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTDateFormat
getPrevious() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
getPrimitiveArrayBaseType(Class) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyser
getPrimitiveClass(Class) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyser
Retrieve primitove type of specified clazz
getRank() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IReferenceInfo
getResourceObject(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
Retrieve object with specified identifier on class independend basis.
getResourceObject(String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
Retrieve object with specified identifier on class independend basis.
getSearchedObject() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.SearchParameter
getSelectedField(String, String) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyser
Search for exact match of searchTerm in the list of declared fields of the class qualifiedClassName.
getShortName(Object) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyser
Extract simple class name without package information
getShortName(Class) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyser
Extract simple class name without package information
getShortName(String) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyser
Extract simple class name without package information
getSourceId() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IReferenceInfo
getSourceType() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IReferenceInfo
getStart() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ComparableRange
getStart() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IRange
getSubDataIterator() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DataSet
getSubDataIterator() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IDataSet
Retrieve iterator over all keys provided by sub datasets
getSubDataValues() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DataSet
getSubDataValues() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IDataSet
Retrieve iterator over all dataSets provided as subelements of this dataSet.
getSuperElements(Class) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyser
getTestDataId() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.SearchParameter
getTestDataSet(String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestClusterDataSet
Retrieve DataSet of specified group and test if exists.
getTestDataSets(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestClusterDataSet
Get iterator on collection of all tests contained in specified test group
getTestEntries(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestClusterDataSet
Get iterator of all tests contained in specified test group
getTestName() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
getTestName() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.IDDTTestCase
getType() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
getType() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TypedObject
getTypeFromRoot() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
getValue() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
getValue() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.MapEntry
getValue() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TypedObject


hashCode() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TypedObject
Override hashCode.
hasPrimitive(Class) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyser
Verify if provided clazz has primitive type


IAction - Interface in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing
IDataSet - Interface in junitx.ddtunit.data
IDataSetSerializer - Interface in junitx.ddtunit.data
IDDTTestCase - Interface in junitx.ddtunit
ILinkChangeListener - Interface in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing
initContext() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
Implement method for initializing test context.
initTestData(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
Initialize xml test data for specified classId in resource associagted to same name as classId using ResourceNameFactory.
initTestData(String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
Initialize xml test data for specified classId in resource
inject() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ArrayCreatorAction
inject() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.AttributeListCreatorAction
inject() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.BeanCreatorAction
inject() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.CallCreatorAction
inject() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.CollectionCreatorAction
inject() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ConstantCreatorAction
inject() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ContentCreatorAction
inject() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.DateCreatorAction
inject() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
Used to append TypedObjectthat should be processed on this action.
inject() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.MapCreatorAction
inject() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.SubelementCreatorAction
insert(IAction) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
Insert a new Record entry after this.
InstanceFactory - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing
Factory for referencing and creating of object instances especially used as base objects.
InternalLogger - Class in junitx.ddtunit
DDTLogger containing all log specific extensions of DDTUnit project
invokeMethod(Object, String, Object) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.PrivilegedAccessor
Calls a method on the given object instance with the given argument.
invokeMethod(Object, String, Object[]) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.PrivilegedAccessor
Calls a method on the given object instance with the given arguments.
invokeTestMethod(Method, RunNotifier) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.optional.junit4.DDTUnit4ClassRunner
IParser - Interface in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing
IRange<T> - Interface in junitx.ddtunit.data
IReferenceInfo - Interface in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing
isActiveAsserts() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTConfiguration
isActiveParserValidation() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTConfiguration
isActiveRunMonitor() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTConfiguration
isActiveXmlValidation() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTConfiguration
isEmpty() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ActionStack
check if record stack is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TypedObjectMap
isEndIncluded() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ComparableRange
isEndIncluded() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IRange
isInRange(Comparable<T>) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ComparableRange
isInRange(Comparable<T>) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IRange
Verify if provided Comparable is in range
isSpecificationAssert() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTConfiguration
isStartIncluded() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ComparableRange
isStartIncluded() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IRange
isValidated() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ObjectAsserter


junitx.ddtunit - package junitx.ddtunit
junitx.ddtunit.data - package junitx.ddtunit.data
junitx.ddtunit.data.db - package junitx.ddtunit.data.db
junitx.ddtunit.data.processing - package junitx.ddtunit.data.processing
junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.parser - package junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.parser
junitx.ddtunit.optional.junit4 - package junitx.ddtunit.optional.junit4
junitx.ddtunit.report - package junitx.ddtunit.report
junitx.ddtunit.util - package junitx.ddtunit.util
junitx.framework - package junitx.framework


last - Variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ActionStack
load() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTConfiguration
load(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTConfiguration
log - Variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ArrayCreatorAction
log - Variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.AttributeListCreatorAction
log - Variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.CollectionCreatorAction


main(String[]) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.TypeAbbreviator
main(String[]) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyser
The main program for the ShowMethods class
MapCreatorAction - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing
This class contains object state and other information to create object from SAX event stream.
MapCreatorAction(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.MapCreatorAction
Constructor used as standard constructor to instanciate actions of this type
MapEntry - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing
MapEntry() - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.MapEntry
markAsProcessed - Variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.AssertObject
methodTestErrorCount() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestResult
methodTestFailureCount() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestResult
methodTestFailures() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestResult


ObjectAssert - Class in junitx.framework
A set of assert methods specially targetted to asserting objects.
ObjectAsserter - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data
Class contains all information to execute an assert action between actual and expected object.
ObjectAsserter(String, String, String) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.ObjectAsserter
objectMap - Variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DataSet


parse(String, boolean, String, TestClusterDataSet) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IParser
Parse xml resource provided by resource name filtered by classId.
parse(String, boolean, String, TestClusterDataSet) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.parser.ParserImpl
parseElement(String, boolean) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IParser
Parse xml resource provided by reader.
parseElement(String, boolean) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.parser.ParserImpl
Parse object definition and use provided object as base class.
parseElement(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.parser.ParserImpl
ParserConstants - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing
Class containing all constants used in parsing process
ParserImpl - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.parser
XML SAX parser converting xml testdatea resourse into object structure used by DDTestCase class execution.
ParserImpl() - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.parser.ParserImpl
peek() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ActionStack
Retrieve last element on stack without deleting it from stack
pop() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ActionStack
Retrieve last element on stack and delete it on stack.
pop() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ILinkChangeListener
printStackTrace() - Method in error junitx.framework.AssertionFailedError
Prints this throwable and its backtrace to the standard error stream.
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in error junitx.framework.AssertionFailedError
Prints this throwable and its backtrace to the specified print stream.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in error junitx.framework.AssertionFailedError
Prints this throwable and its backtrace to the specified print writer.
PrivilegedAccessor - Class in junitx.ddtunit.util
PrivilegedAccessor() - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.util.PrivilegedAccessor
process() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ActionStack
process() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ArrayCreatorAction
process() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.AttributeListCreatorAction
process() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.BeanCreatorAction
process() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.CallCreatorAction
process() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.CollectionCreatorAction
process() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ConstantCreatorAction
process() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ContentCreatorAction
Contract constraints on processing of Content action:
Content action must be the last on action stack There must be a valid root action distinct from content action.  
process() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.DateCreatorAction
process() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
do process required action to transition from this state
process() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.MapCreatorAction
process() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.SubelementCreatorAction
processCharacters(char[], int, int) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.Engine
Process sax content only if specified cluster tag is processed and an action stack is allready instanciated.
processEndElement(String, long) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.Engine
Process SAX events of elemet end status
processNoSuccessor() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ArrayCreatorAction
processNoSuccessor() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.BeanCreatorAction
If no content on tag is provided just instanciate object by default constructor.
processNoSuccessor() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.CallCreatorAction
processNoSuccessor() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.CollectionCreatorAction
processNoSuccessor() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.DateCreatorAction
processNoSuccessor() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
Process action if no successor exists on action stack.
processNoSuccessor() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.MapCreatorAction
processNoSuccessor() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.SubelementCreatorAction
If no content on tag is provided just instanciate object by default constructor.
processStartElement(String, Attributes, int) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.Engine
Process start of a SAX startElement event by extracting information an storing it in an ActionStack
processSuccessor(IAction) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ArrayCreatorAction
processSuccessor(IAction) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.AttributeListCreatorAction
processSuccessor(IAction) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.BeanCreatorAction
processSuccessor(IAction) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.CallCreatorAction
processSuccessor(IAction) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.CollectionCreatorAction
processSuccessor(IAction) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ConstantCreatorAction
processSuccessor(IAction) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ContentCreatorAction
processSuccessor(IAction) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.DateCreatorAction
processSuccessor(IAction) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
Process successor in action stack.
processSuccessor(IAction) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.MapCreatorAction
processSuccessor(IAction) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.SubelementCreatorAction
promoteLinkChangeListener(IAction) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
PROP_RESOURCE - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTConfiguration
pump(Reader) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.StreamPumper
Pumping data from a Reader to the default Writer implemented as System.out
push(IAction) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ActionStack
Push new element on stack
put(String, IDataSet) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DataSet
put(String, IDataSet) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DDTDataRepository
Add TestClusterDataSetto repository.
put(String, IDataSet) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IDataSet
put(String, TypedObject) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TypedObjectMap
put(K, V) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.SoftHashMap
putAssert(String, AssertObject) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestDataSet
putObject(String, TypedObject) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DataSet
putObject(String, TypedObject) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IDataSet
add new entry to local object map


raiseRankOf(IReferenceInfo) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IReferenceInfo
If this object is referencing to the provided info object then raise rank of referenced object info.
registerLinkChangeListener(ILinkChangeListener) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
registerReferenceListener(IReferenceListener) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
remove(Object) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.SoftHashMap
removeLinkChangeListener(ILinkChangeListener) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
removeReferenceListener(IReferenceListener) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
resolve(IDataSet, String, String) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IReferenceInfo
Resolve internal reference definition.
resolve(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.TypeAbbreviator
Check for java type shortcut in internal type dictionary.
ResourceNameFactory - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data
restore(String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.db.DbDataRestorer
restore(String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DDTDataRepository
Restore test object definition from provided xml resource
restore(String, String) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IDataSetSerializer
Process xml resource specified by resource name and a special section of the xml resource specified by the classId.
restore(String, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.XmlDataRestorer
run() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
Run complete selected testmethod by generating a separate result und return this after execution.
run(TestResult) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
Run complete selected testmethod by generating a separate result und return this after execution.
run(TestCase) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestResult
Runs a TestCase.
run() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.IDDTTestCase
Run complete selected testmethod by generating a separate result und return this after execution.
run(TestResult) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.IDDTTestCase
Run complete selected testmethod by generating a separate result und return this after execution.
runBare() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
Run a bare method cycle as defined in JUnit.
runBare() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.IDDTTestCase
Run a bare method cycle as defined in JUnit.
runInfo() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
runInfo() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.IDDTTestCase
runMethodTest() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
Execute the testmethod without extra setUp and tearDown methods and no hooks to TestListener classes like TestRunner.
runMethodTestCount() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestResult
runProtected(Test, Protectable) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestResult
Runs a TestCase.
runTest() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
Do not use this method to define tests.


SAXValidator - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.parser
SAXValidator() - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.parser.SAXValidator
SearchCriteria - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data
SearchCriteria(String, SearchParameters, String) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.SearchCriteria
SearchParameter - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data
SearchParameter(Object, String, Comparator<?>) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.SearchParameter
SearchParameters - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data
SearchParameters() - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.SearchParameters
SearchParameters(String, Object, Comparator<?>) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.SearchParameters
SearchParameters(String, Object) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.SearchParameters
setActiveAsserts(boolean) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTConfiguration
setActiveLocale(Locale) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTConfiguration
setActiveParserValidation(boolean) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTConfiguration
setActiveRunMonitor(boolean) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTConfiguration
setActiveXmlValidation(boolean) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTConfiguration
setActualObject(Object) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.AssertObject
Associate actual and expected object.
setClusterId(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.Engine
setEnd(Comparable<T>) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ComparableRange
setEnd(Comparable<T>) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IRange
setEndIncluded(boolean) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ComparableRange
setEndIncluded(boolean) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IRange
setFieldValue(Object, String, Object) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.PrivilegedAccessor
Set the value of the named field and returns it as an object.
setId(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TypedObject
setKey(TypedObject) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.MapEntry
setLog4jConfigResource(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTConfiguration
setNext(IAction) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
setObject(TypedObject) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
setPrevious(IAction) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
setRank(int) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IReferenceInfo
setSpecificationAssert(boolean) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTConfiguration
setStart(Comparable<T>) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ComparableRange
setStart(Comparable<T>) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IRange
setStartIncluded(boolean) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ComparableRange
setStartIncluded(boolean) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IRange
setTestName(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
setTestName(String) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.IDDTTestCase
setType(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ArrayCreatorAction
setType(String) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
setType(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TypedObject
setValue(Object) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.IAction
setValue(TypedObject) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.MapEntry
setValue(Object) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TypedObject
showAllFields(String) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyser
Display all attributes/fields of class quaifiedClassName to the configured appender specified by Log4j
showAllMethods(String) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyser
Display all methods of class quaifiedClassName to the configured appender specified by Log4j
showSelectedFields(String, String) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyser
Display all attributes/fields of class quaifiedClassName matching searchTerm to the configured appender specified by Log4j
showSelectedMethods(String, String) - Static method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.ClassAnalyser
Display all constructors and methods of qualifiedClassName class which match with searchTerm.
size() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DataSet
size() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DDTDataRepository
size() - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.data.IDataSet
Retrieve number of sub datasets
size() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.TypeAbbreviator
size() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestClusterDataSet
size(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestClusterDataSet
size() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestDataSet
size() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TypedObjectMap
size() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.SoftHashMap
SoftHashMap<K,V> - Class in junitx.ddtunit.util
SoftHashMap() - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.util.SoftHashMap
SoftHashMap(int) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.util.SoftHashMap
SoftHashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.util.SoftHashMap
startCDATA() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.Engine
startMethodTest(IDDTTestCase, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTRunMonitor
Notify about start of method test execution
startMethodTest(IDDTTestCase, String) - Method in interface junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestListener
A test inside of a testmethod with a given dataset is started.
startMethodTest(IDDTTestCase, String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestResult
Notify about start of method test
startTest(Test) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTRunMonitor
Just let the standard runner do this work - do nothing
StreamPumper - Class in junitx.ddtunit.util
StreamPumper() - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.util.StreamPumper
Default constructor - no extras
SubelementCreatorAction - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing
This class contains object state and other information to create object from SAX event stream.
SubelementCreatorAction(Map) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.SubelementCreatorAction
Constructor used as standard constructor to instanciate actions of this type
SYSDATE - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.DateCreatorAction
special key for actual date only
SYSTIME - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.DateCreatorAction
special key for actual date/time


TestClusterDataSet - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data
TestClusterDataSet(String, IDataSet) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestClusterDataSet
TestDataSet - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data
Class containing data processed under xml tag test
TestDataSet(String, IDataSet) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestDataSet
TestGroupDataSet - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data
TestGroupDataSet(String, IDataSet) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.TestGroupDataSet
ThrowableAssert - Class in junitx.framework
A set of assert methods specially targetted to asserting throwable objects.
toString() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.AssertObject
toString() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ComparableRange
toString() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.DataSet
Return human readable description of object.
toString() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.MapEntry
toString() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.TypeAbbreviator
Print out Mapping definitions.
toString() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TypedObject
toString() - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.util.DDTDateFormat
TypeAbbreviator - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data.processing
TYPEABBREVIATOR_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.TypeAbbreviator
Properties file containing shortcut to java type mappings
TypedObject - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data
Class represents objects that specify type and value separately.
TypedObject(String) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.TypedObject
TypedObject(String, String) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.TypedObject
TypedObjectMap - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data
TypedObjectMap() - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.TypedObjectMap


UNKNOWN - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
UNKNOWN_TYPE - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.TypedObject


validate(boolean) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.AssertObject
Process assertion specified in this object.
validate(boolean) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ExceptionAsserter
validate internal expression.
validate(boolean) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.ObjectAsserter
Validate expected object against actual object using assert action.
validate(String) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.parser.SAXValidator
validateAsserts(boolean) - Method in class junitx.ddtunit.DDTTestCase
Validate all assertions concerning the active method-test dataset.


XML_ATTR_ACTION - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
XML_ATTR_BASEID - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
XML_ATTR_CONTENT - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
XML_ATTR_HINT - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
XML_ATTR_ID - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
XML_ATTR_KEYTYPE - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
XML_ATTR_PICDATA - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
XML_ATTR_REFID - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
XML_ATTR_TYPE - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
XML_ATTR_VALUETYPE - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
XML_ELEM_ASSERT - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
XML_ELEM_ASSERTS - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
XML_ELEM_CLUSTER - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
XML_ELEM_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
XML_ELEM_GROUP - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
XML_ELEM_ITEM - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
XML_ELEM_OBJ - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
XML_ELEM_OBJS - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
XML_ELEM_RESOURCES - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
XML_ELEM_TEST - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
XML_IGNORE_ELEM - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.ParserConstants
XmlDataRestorer - Class in junitx.ddtunit.data
This class restores a complete dataset of testdata and testassertions as defined by ddtunit from provided xml resource.
To resolve global variables and resources a dataset independend of actual processed test classes is provided as dataset root.
XmlDataRestorer(IDataSet) - Constructor for class junitx.ddtunit.data.XmlDataRestorer
XSD_RESOURCE_PATH - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.parser.ParserImpl
resource path of xml schema used for validation
XSD_RESOURCE_PATH - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.parser.SAXValidator
resource path of xml schema used for validation
XSD_URL - Static variable in class junitx.ddtunit.data.processing.parser.ParserImpl
URL of xml schema for validation


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