Ideas and Features

For setting up module/component tests during development cycle we found it quite helpful and efficient to take a data centric approach. This provides a means of easily covering all specified testcases. Most commercial tools provide a special dialect of C or a scripting language to define parametrized test scripts. In our experience this approach was difficult to adapt in teams that do development in Java under a short schedule. - "Oh not jet another language or tool to distract us from work". And in projects with rather low budget you even won't get the money to buy these expensive tools.

The basic idea of DDTUnit:

  • To achieve an easy integration of this framework into existing JUnit infrastructure the class DDTTestCase is directly extended from JUnit TestCase class. This approach provides combination of XML data definitions with the simplicity of use of JUnit.
    And keep highly compatible with JUnit - that means existing TestRunners like Ant Optional task <junit> can be used for test execution and result presentation.
  • The new class DDTTestCase contains an implicite loop-execution of test resources collected for one Java / JUnit testmethod to process parameters as provided by xml data resource. So there is no need of recompilation if new testcases were found. These can easily be added to the xml data resource.
  • Mixing simple JUnit testmethods (no external testdata) with DDTUnit methods. This is highly useful for a simple migration to the new framework.
  • The xml parsing is done by providing a SAX parser that can do validation based on a XML Schema definition. The SAX API was chosen for speed and small memory footprint.
  • Use of XML schema based definition of testdata. The XML is designed to define data structures and no program flow information. The structure itself is oriented on grouping of data on testmethods (called <group>) and testclasses (called <cluster>). This reflects the grouping of data blocks on an execution and the clustering reflects more loosly collected data on a specific theme.
  • Defining a representation of objects as test parameters not just String based ones, but different container classes and more complex structures as used for value objects in distributed environments.
    To fulfill this requirement DDTUnit provides a lot of different data types out of the box. For a detailed description refer to the chapter Defining Objects. A few examples can be found there as well.
  • Defining assertions on expected objects or exceptions inside of xml resource. This feature becomes more interesting if inputdata changes the behavior of the method under test, e.g. throw an exception instead of a value. And will play a special role in future reporting features of DDTUnit.
To give an impression of data definition structures using xml resources here follows an example of xml resource structure as used by DDTUnit.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<ddtunit xmlns:xsi=""
  <cluster id="SimpleDDTUnitTest">
    <!-- group associated to a testmethod of implemented test --> 
    <group id="testRetrieveAssertData">
      <!-- test associated to one testmethod execution -->
      <test id="myFirstTestCase">
          <obj id="myObj" type="string">My first String </obj>
          <assert id="result" type="string" action="isEqual">
            My first String </assert>
          <exception id="expected" type="java.lang.Exception" 
            action="isSimilar" />
      <test id="mySecondTestCase"> ... </test>
The interesting structures are
  • <obj> that contains plain old java objects that can be used as parameters of functions under test (FUT) and objects to check against output of FUT by using Java or JUnit assert functions.
  • <assert> is used to define assertions as provided by JUnit but positioned inside of the xml data file to provide a single point of information to basic testing activities. This will be especially useful when combining execution results with test definition information to generate test protocols.
  • <exception> to define expected exceptions that should be caught during test method execution.

There are two specialties to easily map DDTUnit on JUnit processing.

  • The attribute cluster@id is a free selectable identifier. This gives the opportunity to reuse one xml data file in multiple test classes.
  • The attribute group@id must be equal to the name of an existing testmethod inside of the defined testclass.
    This restriction allows an easy mapping between xml data and methods and a free mix of standard JUnit testmethods and DDTUnit methods inside of one testclass definition.

For future development it is under plan to incorporate the best of bread testing frameworks like DBUnit, Jakarta-Cactus, EasyMock and perhaps other testing frameworks to support the data centric approach. A good Ant integration with strong reporting features is planned as well.

Even the integration with the loadtest tool Grinder3 is under consideration, so it will be possible to fire testdata randomly accessed from datafiles against an environment under loadtest with grinder.

All functionality should be verified by JUnit or later by using DDTUnit itself. The Test Driven approach will be adopted as far as possible during development of this framework.

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