
Basic Requirements

As a basic prerequisite a JAXP 1.1 conformant parser is required - no schema validation.
If xerces 2.4.0 or higher is provided the schema validation support is active. Because this parser is found in many projects it is not provided as part of this project to minimize download resources. Personally I placed it directly in the %java; runtime environment as external library.

The actual list of required archives can be found under Project Dependencies as generated by Maven. Here you see the list for convenience as of %ddtunit; version 0.8.3.

Artifact IDTypeVersion

Java 1.4 Runtime Requirements

As of version 0.8.7 a special archive supporting Java 1.4 runtime is provided.
Here is a way to get it:
Add DDTUnit MVN Repository to your settings.xml (used by Maven2)
         <id>DDTUnit Repo</id>
then add dependency details to your project
As you can see the project Retrotranslator.


The framework contains a set of switches and predefined configuration details. These can be found in the resource /junitx/ddtunit/ To change these configurations extract the properties file from jar and provvide it in classpath in front of ddtunit.jar.

Here follows the content as provided by DDTUnit 0.8.5

# Configuration file of DDTUnit testing framework
# containing all default configuration information
# internal test monitor is a DDTTestListener implementation that will 
# display test results by using the Apache log4j logger class  
# junitx.ddtunit.DDTRunMonitor to be configured as every log4j logger
# Values: true (default) / false
activeRunMonitor = true
#  resource path of log4j configuration file
#  Default: /
log4jConfigResource = /
#  Activate xml schema validation
#  Values: true (default) / false
activeXmlValidation = true
#  Activate PARSER validation
#  Values: true / false (default)
activeParserValidation = true
#  Activate assert validation
#  Values: true (default) / false
activeAsserts = true
#  Define Locale to use during tst execution
# Values: <language>_<country> 
activeLocale = en_US
#  Define date / time format
#  You can add new formats by using the naming convention
#  date.<myFormatName>=<format characters as used by DateFormat class of JDK>
date.medium=dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss
date.long=dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS
date.example=EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy
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