Uses of Class

Packages that use HintTypes   

Uses of HintTypes in

Fields in declared as HintTypes
static HintTypes HintTypes.ARRAY
          Array hint specifies the use of Object[] arrays
static HintTypes HintTypes.ATTRLIST
          Signature hint specifies a java.util.List that will be used for method invokation
static HintTypes HintTypes.BEAN
          Bean hint specifies the use of java bean based setter methods to populate fields
static HintTypes HintTypes.CALL
static HintTypes HintTypes.COLLECTION
          Collection hint specifies all classes that can are implementations of java.util.Collection interface and have an appropriate list or set character.
static HintTypes HintTypes.CONSTANT
          Constant hint specifies the use of a static field of specified class.
static HintTypes HintTypes.CONSTRUCTOR
          Constructor hint specifies the creation of objects.
static HintTypes HintTypes.CONTENT
static HintTypes HintTypes.DATE
          Date hint specifies the use of a static field of specified class.
static HintTypes HintTypes.FIELDS
          FIELDS hint specifies all classes that can be created by using reflection.
static HintTypes HintTypes.INTERNAL_MAPENTRY
static HintTypes HintTypes.MAP
          Collection hint specifies all classes that can are implementations of java.util.Collection interface and have an appropriate list or set character.

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