Uses of Interface

Packages that use IAction   

Uses of IAction in

Classes in that implement IAction
 class ArrayCreatorAction
          This class contains object state and other information to create object from SAX event stream.
 class AttributeListCreatorAction
 class BeanCreatorAction
          This class contains object state and other information to create object from SAX event stream.
 class CallCreatorAction
          This class contains object state and other information to create object from SAX event stream.
 class CollectionCreatorAction
          This class contains object state and other information to create object from SAX event stream.
 class ConstantCreatorAction
          This class contains object state and other information to create object from SAX event stream.
 class ContentCreatorAction
          This class contains object state and other information to create object from SAX event stream.
 class DateCreatorAction
          This class contains object state and other information to create object from SAX event stream.
 class MapCreatorAction
          This class contains object state and other information to create object from SAX event stream.
 class SubelementCreatorAction
          This class contains object state and other information to create object from SAX event stream.

Fields in declared as IAction
protected  IAction ActionStack.first
protected  IAction ActionStack.last

Methods in that return IAction
 IAction IAction.getNext()
 IAction IAction.getPrevious()
 IAction SubelementCreatorAction.inject()
 IAction MapCreatorAction.inject()
 IAction IAction.inject()
          Used to append TypedObjectthat should be processed on this action.
 IAction DateCreatorAction.inject()
 IAction ContentCreatorAction.inject()
 IAction ConstantCreatorAction.inject()
 IAction CollectionCreatorAction.inject()
 IAction CallCreatorAction.inject()
 IAction BeanCreatorAction.inject()
 IAction AttributeListCreatorAction.inject()
 IAction ArrayCreatorAction.inject()
 IAction ActionStack.peek()
          Retrieve last element on stack without deleting it from stack
 IAction ILinkChangeListener.pop()
 IAction ActionStack.pop()
          Retrieve last element on stack and delete it on stack.
 IAction SubelementCreatorAction.process()
 IAction MapCreatorAction.process()
 IAction IAction.process()
          do process required action to transition from this state
 IAction DateCreatorAction.process()
 IAction ContentCreatorAction.process()
          Contract constraints on processing of Content action:
Content action must be the last on action stack There must be a valid root action distinct from content action.  
 IAction ConstantCreatorAction.process()
 IAction CollectionCreatorAction.process()
 IAction CallCreatorAction.process()
 IAction BeanCreatorAction.process()
 IAction AttributeListCreatorAction.process()
 IAction ArrayCreatorAction.process()
 IAction ActionStack.process()

Methods in with parameters of type IAction
 void IAction.insert(IAction action)
          Insert a new Record entry after this.
 void SubelementCreatorAction.processSuccessor(IAction successor)
 void MapCreatorAction.processSuccessor(IAction successor)
 void IAction.processSuccessor(IAction successor)
          Process successor in action stack.
 void DateCreatorAction.processSuccessor(IAction successor)
 void ContentCreatorAction.processSuccessor(IAction successor)
 void ConstantCreatorAction.processSuccessor(IAction successor)
 void CollectionCreatorAction.processSuccessor(IAction successor)
 void CallCreatorAction.processSuccessor(IAction successor)
 void BeanCreatorAction.processSuccessor(IAction successor)
 void AttributeListCreatorAction.processSuccessor(IAction successor)
 void ArrayCreatorAction.processSuccessor(IAction successor)
 void IAction.promoteLinkChangeListener(IAction action)
 void ActionStack.push(IAction action)
          Push new element on stack
 void IAction.setNext(IAction next)
 void IAction.setPrevious(IAction previous)

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