Configuration Details

In this chapter you can find details on the configuration of DDTUnit.

To do so a properties file is provided inside the Jar archive. This file is referenced as resourcce under the path


The details are based on version 0.8.6-SNAPSHOT

# internal test monitor is a DDTTestListener implementation that will 
# display test results by using the Apache log4j logger class  
# junitx.ddtunit.DDTRunMonitor to be configured as every log4j logger
# Values: true (default) / false
activeRunMonitor = true
#  resource path of log4j configuration file
#  Default: /
log4jConfigResource = /
#  Activate xml schema validation
#  Values: true (default) / false
activeXmlValidation = true
#  Activate PARSER validation
#  Values: true / false (default)
activeParserValidation = true
#  Activate assert validation
#  Values: true (default) / false
activeAsserts = true
#  Define Locale to use during tst execution
# Values: <language>_<country> 
activeLocale = en_US
#  Define date / time format
#  You can add new formats by using the naming convention
#  date.<myFormatName>=<format characters as used by DateFormat class of JDK
date.medium=dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss
date.long=dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS
date.example=EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy